Facet Syndrome

This con­di­tion is a dete­ri­o­ra­tion of the facet joints, which help sta­bi­lize the spine and lim­it exces­sive motion. The facet joints are lined with car­ti­lage and are sur­round­ed by a lubri­cat­ing cap­sule that enables the ver­te­brae to bend and twist.

Facet joint syn­drome occurs when the facet joints become stressed and dam­aged. This dam­age can occur from every­day wear and tear, injury to the back or neck or because of degen­er­a­tion of an inter­ver­te­bral disc. The car­ti­lage that cov­ers the stressed facet joints grad­u­al­ly wears away and the joints become swollen and stiff. The ver­te­bral bones rub direct­ly against each oth­er, which can lead to the growth of bone spurs along the edges of the facet joints. Pain from facet joint syn­drome dif­fers depend­ing on which region of the spine is dam­aged. If the cer­vi­cal, or upper spine is affect­ed, pain may be felt in the neck, shoul­ders, and upper or mid­dle back. The per­son may also expe­ri­ence headaches. If the lum­bar, or low­er spine, is affect­ed, pain may be felt in the low­er back, but­tocks and back of the thigh. Facet joint syn­drome is first treat­ed con­ser­v­a­tive­ly with rest, ice, heat, anti-inflam­ma­to­ry med­ica­tions, and phys­i­cal ther­a­py. In addi­tion, facet joint blocks may be admin­is­tered not only to diag­nose facet joint pain but also to treat it. If non-sur­gi­cal meth­ods fail to relieve pain, a facet rhi­zo­to­my or bone fusion may be performed.

Click here review an expla­na­tion of Facet Syn­drome.
(Infor­ma­tion obtained from www​.viewmed​ica​.com 2012 Swarm Interactive).