Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN)

This chron­ic con­di­tion is caused by a mis­fir­ing of the trigem­i­nal nerve. An attack caus­es brief episodes of extreme, shoot­ing pain. The trigem­i­nal nerve con­sists of a thick root at the base of the brain and three branch­es that extend to the face. These branch­es sense touch and con­trol the chew­ing muscles.

TN usu­al­ly occurs when an artery or vein com­press­es the root of the trigem­i­nal nerve, caus­ing it to mis­fire. The nerve can also be irri­tat­ed by a tumor or oth­er dis­or­der. Flash­es of pain are often trig­gered by some type of con­tact with the face. Brush­ing teeth, apply­ing make­up, shav­ing, eat­ing, talk­ing, or being exposed to wind can all trig­ger an episode.

A TN attack may last from a few sec­onds to a few min­utes. Peo­ple describe the pain as like a sud­den burn or an elec­tric shock, typ­i­cal­ly felt on only one side of the face. It’s an incred­i­bly intense sen­sa­tion that can be phys­i­cal­ly inca­pac­i­tat­ing. Treat­ment options include med­ica­tion, var­i­ous types of sur­gi­cal pro­ce­dures, and a radi­ol­o­gy pro­ce­dure called stereo­tac­tic radio­surgery (or Gam­ma Knife).

Click here review an illus­trat­ed expla­na­tion of Trigem­i­nal Neu­ral­gia.
(Infor­ma­tion obtained from www​.viewmed​ica​.com 2012 Swarm Interactive).