Patient Testimonials

Meet Deb C.

Our patient Deb recent­ly shared her weight loss jour­ney with us after under­go­ing treat­ment with our Weight Loss Pro­gram. She praised our med­ical weight loss pro­gram for empow­er­ing and encour­ag­ing her in her comments.

Meet Edward W.

A few months ago, Edward embarked on his trans­for­ma­tive jour­ney with South Bend Clinic’s Sur­gi­cal Weight Loss Pro­gram. Start­ing at 485 lbs, he ini­tial­ly lost 60 lbs with his fam­i­ly doc­tor. How­ev­er, the demands of bal­anc­ing two jobs made fur­ther progress dif­fi­cult. After mak­ing a career change, Edward com­mit­ted to his health goals with the sup­port of our Med­ical & Sur­gi­cal Weight Loss Cen­ter, begin­ning his pro­gram at 405 lbs.

Edward says, This jour­ney has fun­da­men­tal­ly changed my rela­tion­ship with food. I now view food pri­mar­i­ly as ener­gy for my body rather than com­fort. I am on the verge of trans­form­ing my life and over­com­ing sig­nif­i­cant health challenges.”