Jon Chadwell, MD

Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

Practices In: South Bend
Patients Seen: All Ages

Suc­cess­ful facial plas­tic surgery is ulti­mate­ly achieved through good rap­port with my patients. Trust, based on real­is­tic expec­ta­tions and exact­ing med­ical exper­tise, devel­ops in the con­sult­ing stages before surgery. Before I explore pro­ce­dures with my patients, I first want to ful­ly under­stand their expec­ta­tions, because I know that choos­ing to refine your face is a dra­mat­ic per­son­al deci­sion. As you explore your options, know that I will guide you through your deci­sion-mak­ing process. To me, the cos­met­ic process is more than just surgery”. Each patient has dif­fer­ent shapes, fea­tures, con­tours, and per­son­al goals. I con­sid­er shad­ow­ing, pro­por­tion, depth, and per­spec­tive to com­bine med­i­cine with artistry and ulti­mate­ly achieve your new look. My ulti­mate goal is my patient’s happiness.

Board Certifications
Otolaryngology, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Clinical Interests

Although I am a sur­geon, I have a very robust non-sur­gi­cal prac­tice. With­in the non-sur­gi­cal realm, I have many tools at my dis­pos­al, includ­ing many dif­fer­ent injectable and ener­gy-based treat­ments. I believe that being a facial plas­tic sur­geon pro­vides me unique skills that set me apart from oth­er injec­tors. From a sur­gi­cal per­spec­tive, I focus on con­cerns of the aging face and use pro­ce­dures like ble­pharo­plas­ty, facelift­ing, and chem­i­cal resur­fac­ing to reju­ve­nate my patient’s appear­ance. I also per­form rhino­plas­ty to help improve the appear­ance and func­tion of patient’s noses.

Personal Interests

I have a won­der­ful fam­i­ly, and we enjoy trav­el­ing. I golf, and I try to play bas­ket­ball once a week. Fit­ness is a pri­or­i­ty in my life, and I usu­al­ly work­out 3 – 4 times a week. I am a bit of a cof­fee snob, and I am my wifes’s per­son­al barista.

American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Allied Physicians Surgery Center
53990 Carmichael Drive South Bend, Indiana 46635 574-243-9700 Get Directions
Memorial Hospital
615 N Michigan St South Bend,, Indiana 46601 574-647-1000 Get Directions
Unity Physicians Hospital
4455 Edison Lakes Parkway #100 Mishawaka, Indiana 46545 574-231-6800 Get Directions
Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center
5215 Holy Cross Parkway Mishawaka, Indiana 46545 574-335-5000 Get Directions
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Graduation Date: 2000 Degree: MD
University of Cincinnati Medical Center Resident in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Provider’s Publications
Chadwell JB, Mangat DS: Rhytidectomy. Rhinology and Facial Plastic Surgery. Stucker F, et al. Springer. Germany. 2009:889-901.
Chadwell JB, Mangat DS: Endoscopic Forehead Lifting. Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Elsevier. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. August 2006;14:195-201.
Shumrick KA, Chadwell JB: Local Skin Flaps: Anatomy, Physiology, and General Types. Head and Neck Surgery- Otolaryngology, ed 4. Bailey BJ, et al. Lippincott-Raven. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 2006;Chapter 161.
Shumrick KA, Chadwell JB: Facial Trauma: Soft Tissue Lacerations and Burns. Cummings Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, ed 4. Cummings CW, et al. Elsevier Mosby. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 2005;582-601.
Chadwell JB, Halsted MJ, Choo DI, Greinwald JH, Benton C. The Cochlear Cleft. American Journal of Neuroradiology. January 2004;25:21-24.
Provider’s Research


Brow Lift, Chemical Resurfacing, Chin Implants, Dysport and Botox, Earlobe Repair, FaceTite ™ - Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuction, Facelift, Facial Scar Revision, Facials, Fat Transfer, Forehead/Brow Lift, Fractora™ - Radiofrequency Assisted Microneedling, Intense Pulsed Light Photofacials, Kybella®, Lip Augmentation, Liposuction – Neck, Medical Grade Skincare Products, Mini-Face Lift, Neck Lift, Otoplasty, Reconstructive Repair following Moh’s Surgery, Restylane, Juvederm, Radiesse Fillers, Rhinoplasty, Sculptra®, Superficial Chemical Peels, TCA Chemical Peel, Upper and Lower Eyelid Surgery