Olivia Price, PA-C

Obstetrics & Gynecology

Practices In: South Bend
Patients Seen: All Ages

I am a South Bend native and am excit­ed to be able to prac­tice in my home­town com­mu­ni­ty. I val­ue qual­i­ty bed­side man­ner and cul­ti­vat­ing mean­ing­ful rela­tion­ships with my patients. The var­i­ous health care roles I have held through­out my life have allowed me to gath­er the nec­es­sary infor­ma­tion to best sup­port my patients.

Clinical Interests

Endome­tri­al Biop­sy, IUD Inser­tion and Removal, Nex­planon Inser­tion and Removal, Polypec­to­my Vul­var Biopsy

Personal Interests

In my free time, I enjoy bak­ing, vis­it­ing nation­al parks, and work­ing on 3D print­ing projects with my hus­band Seldon.

Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center
5215 Holy Cross Parkway Mishawaka, Indiana 46545 574-335-5000 Get Directions
University of Toledo Graduation Date: 2020 Degree: MS in Biomedical Science and Physician Assistant Studies
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Graduation Date: 2018 Degree: BS in Health Science