Japanese Encephalitis Vaccination

Japan­ese Encephali­tis is trans­mit­ted by mos­qui­toes. In most cas­es the infec­tion is mild but in rare cas­es can cause severe ill­ness or death.

Who should get immu­nized: The immu­niza­tion is rec­om­mend­ed for those two months of age and older.

Immu­niza­tion sched­ule: The immu­niza­tion is giv­en as two injectable dos­es 28 days apart and pro­vides life­time immunity.

Areas at increased risk include: The type of mos­qui­to that car­ries the Japan­ese encephali­tis virus is most com­mon­ly found in Asia. You are at a high­er risk of con­tract­ing the ill­ness if you are trav­el­ling to rur­al areas in Asia and plan to be out­side fre­quent­ly. The risk is high­er in the sum­mer, fall and dur­ing rainy seasons.