Laser Hair Removal

Remove unwant­ed hair with our laser hair removal tech­nol­o­gy. We offer sev­er­al lasers, which safe­ly remove hair with­out dam­ag­ing del­i­cate pores and the struc­ture of the skin. All areas of the body can be treat­ed safe­ly with min­i­mal dis­com­fort. (We rec­om­mend a series of 5 – 6 treat­ments for best results. Addi­tion­al touch ups may be need­ed periodically.)

Belleza offers both wax­ing and laser reduc­tion treat­ments which dis­cour­age new hair growth as gen­tly and pain­less­ly as pos­si­ble. A sooth­ing after­care treat­ment calms your skin and leaves it silky and lux­u­ri­ous­ly smooth.


  • Can result in per­ma­nent hair removal
  • Effec­tive treat­ment for ingrown hairs
  • Vir­tu­al­ly painless