VELYS™ Hip Navigation | Anterior Total Hip Replacement

The South Bend Clin­ic is excit­ed to intro­duce Velys Hip Nav­i­ga­tion (VHN) for total hip replace­ments. This inno­v­a­tive tech­nol­o­gy enhances the pre­ci­sion and per­son­al­iza­tion of hip replace­ment surg­eries, allow­ing for tai­lored sur­gi­cal plans that cater to each patient’s unique anatomy.

How It Works

Velys Hip Nav­i­ga­tion works in tan­dem with advanced sur­gi­cal tech­niques to pro­vide real-time data, help­ing your sur­geon deter­mine the best place­ment and align­ment for your hip implant. When used with the ante­ri­or approach for total hip replace­ments, this sys­tem offers key ben­e­fits. It avoids cut­ting major mus­cles, lead­ing to less post-surgery pain. Patients expe­ri­ence a quick­er recov­ery, return­ing to dai­ly activ­i­ties soon­er. The ante­ri­or method also pro­motes bet­ter align­ment and mus­cle preser­va­tion, sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduc­ing the risk of dis­lo­ca­tion. After an ante­ri­or total hip replace­ment, you will also have no restric­tions on range of motion and can resume low-impact activ­i­ties with­out limitations.

Addi­tion­al­ly, Velys Hip Nav­i­ga­tion ensures that your sur­geon can achieve opti­mal results by recre­at­ing nat­ur­al anato­my and main­tain­ing prop­er leg length. This tech­nol­o­gy improves the accu­ra­cy of implant posi­tion­ing and enhances hip sta­bil­i­ty through­out the range of motion. With Velys Hip Nav­i­ga­tion, patients can expect a more nat­ur­al feel from their new hip, which is cru­cial for dai­ly activities.

What It Means for You

  • Pre­ci­sion Implant Place­ment: Velys Hip Nav­i­ga­tion pro­vides accu­rate guid­ance, ensur­ing your hip implant is posi­tioned correctly.
  • Enhanced Sta­bil­i­ty: This tech­nol­o­gy helps main­tain leg length and align­ment, con­tribut­ing to bet­ter hip func­tion and stability.
  • Faster Recov­ery: Improved accu­ra­cy in surgery can lead to few­er com­pli­ca­tions and a quick­er return to your dai­ly routine.

Total hip replace­ment surg­eries uti­liz­ing Velys Hip Nav­i­ga­tion are per­formed at our Ambu­la­to­ry Surgery Cen­ter (ASC), locat­ed at 211 N Eddy Street, South Bend, IN.

For more infor­ma­tion on how Velys Hip Nav­i­ga­tion can ben­e­fit you or to sched­ule a con­sul­ta­tion, please call (574) 234‑8161.