
Experts in imag­ing procedures

An essen­tial first step in address­ing any med­ical con­cerns is an accu­rate diag­no­sis. We col­lab­o­rate with you and your doc­tor to pro­vide the appro­pri­ate test­ing. Your radi­o­log­i­cal care team will take the time to address your con­cerns and make sure you feel com­fort­able before, dur­ing, and after the procedure.

Your doc­tor can bet­ter iden­ti­fy and treat your con­di­tion if they have a com­plete pic­ture of your health. As soon as your results are ready, we com­mu­ni­cate them to your doc­tor imme­di­ate­ly and securely.

To sched­ule an appoint­ment, please call 574−237−9203. All orders from non-South Bend Clin­ic providers should be faxed to 574−204−6241.

Hospital Affliations

South Bend Clinic SurgiCenter

211 N Eddy St.

South Bend, 46617 IN
